The Divine Gift of Essential Oils: Embracing Natural Remedies in a Christian Home

"On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh." - Matthew 2:11


As an aromatherapist and massage therapist with around two decades of experience and a background in nursing, I am passionate about natural remedies and essential oils. As a Christian Biblical Counselor and a Proverbs 31 woman, I take pride in my roles as a wife and mother, and I strongly believe in using natural remedies, including essential oils, in the home whenever practical and effective. Every wife and mother concerned about the health and welfare of their family should consider the power of essential oils as part of their caregiving arsenal.

The Divine Gift of Essential Oils

Essential oils are a gift from God, as the Bible states that He gave us plants for healing. These oils, carefully extracted in a highly concentrated form, carry the plant’s constituents, which contain healing properties. These gifts have been the foundation of medicinal treatment for thousands of years but have fallen by the wayside in the era of modern medicine. The obvious question here is whether modern technology is superior to the gifts granted to us by God. In my humble opinion, the answer is an astounding “No.”

"In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." - Revelation 22:2

Many people mistakenly believe that plant-based constituents are ineffective compared to modern pharmaceuticals; however, in many cases, they are much more powerful. Cocaine, codeine, ephedrine, morphine, and many other powerful drugs are direct extracts from plants (though these plants in particular as well as their essential oils are illegal to possess in America).

Challenges and Dangers in the Essential Oils Industry

The essential oils industry is rife with challenges and dangers that reflect a modern, profit-driven world:

  1. Unethical Companies and Unsafe Practices: Many essential oil companies, including some of the largest in the United States, teach physically unsafe methods of usage such as internal (oral) use, which is unsafe and often illegal. They also promote spiritual or ritualistic anti-Christian, borderline Pagan usage methods. One of the largest essential oils companies in the USA is owned by a Pagan ritualist who falsely claims to be Christian and a doctor. Many people follow his teachings, practicing Pagan rituals without realizing what they're doing.

"But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction." - 2 Peter 2:1

  1. Impure Essential Oils: Most essential oil companies do not sell pure, plant-based essential oils, despite their advertising and labeling claims. According to FDA guidelines, a product need only contain 5% actual plant-based essential oil to advertise as “100% pure.” Many “100% pure therapeutic grade” essential oils from popular companies in the USA have been tested and proven to be 100% synthetic compounds (fragrance oils), which are ineffective and can be dangerous.

"But test everything; hold fast what is good." - 1 Thessalonians 5:21

  1. Dangerous Usage Guidelines: Companies driven by profit may promote unsafe usage guidelines to encourage frequent purchases. Internal (oral) use of essential oils, for example, can be extremely dangerous and should only be done under professional guidance. Similarly, applying undiluted oils directly to the skin can cause burns or poisoning.

Why You Should Use Essential Oils

There is no question that God provided us with everything we need to sustain and heal ourselves both physically and mentally:

"Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food; their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. They will bear fruit every month because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine." - Ezekiel 47:12

While essential oils and other natural remedies cannot replace your entire medicine cabinet, they can replace many over-the-counter medications and decrease reliance on prescription drugs. Properly used, essential oils have been proven to be highly effective in treating various medicinal needs with minimal negative effects. Common uses include mood enhancement, relief from coughs and colds, allergies, congestion, sore muscles, arthritis, fatigue, stress, skin regeneration, and wound healing.

The Dangers of Modern Pharmaceuticals

Modern medications can be effective, but they often come with serious risks and side effects. The pharmaceutical industry, compared to the history of medicinal healing, is in its infancy, and the dangers of using synthetic drugs are being discovered regularly. Even simple heartburn medications can have major side effects such as dizziness, confusion, uneven heartbeat, bloody stool, choking, and seizures. Some medications prescribed for minor disorders have side effects as serious as depression, suicidal thoughts, psychosis, and even death.

Many lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies involve unlisted side effects ranging from rashes to birth defects and death. Essential oils, when used properly, can be a much safer alternative to synthetic pharmaceuticals, often without the risk of severe side effects. However, it is crucial to recognize that essential oils should not replace modern medicine in treating severe, life-threatening illnesses. Always seek professional medical advice when needed.


Essential oils are a necessity in every Christian home to alleviate the need for many dangerous synthetic drugs. Proper use can lead to a healthier, happier home. The largest challenges for essential oil users are finding reputable sources and learning proper usage. Educate yourself or seek professional advice to ensure safe and effective use.

Start by choosing an essential oil supplier you can trust. Ask questions about their sourcing and methods. Join non-brand-specific websites and buy reputable books for accurate information. Avoid any book or source that supports a single brand.

Our favorite books for essential oil information are "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils" by Julia Lawless and "Essential Oil Safety" by Robert Tisserand.

Both problems can also be solved by seeking out a qualified professional aromatherapist for advice. Avoid any “aromatherapist” who sells oils from one specific brand, especially multi-level marketing companies.

Jennifer Lanham - Amish Heart Essential Oils

About the Authors:

The majority of the articles on this page are the collective works of Kevin and Jennifer Lanham. They operate Veal Station Ministries, Veal Station Market, and Amish Heart together, combining their expertise in various fields. Both are practicing Biblical Marriage and Family Counselors. Kevin brings a wealth of training and ministerial experience from a wide range of Biblical denominations and has studied through multiple seminaries, including Dallas Theological Seminary, The Master's Seminary, Nations University, and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Jennifer holds several Biblical and Biblical Counseling certifications and is a knowledgeable and experienced aromatherapist and medical massage therapist with a nursing background.

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